
First of all I want to make one thing clear for you guys. If you play affliciton spec and hate to play as destruction or are not planning to play PvP as destro, help yourself and stop wasting your time for this blog. I am only writing about 0/20/51 talent spec.

I am going to teach you all I know about PvPing as a warlock. You will learn how to spec proper and gear yourself up for best possible proggress in arena/battlegrounds/world PvP/whatever you are planning to do. I will let you know how to beat the hardest classes in 1on1 in theory and try to upload as many videos as possible for you to watch and learn.

We usually go do ''Ganking'', outdoor pvp at weekends with my fellow guild members so you might see us in action when I record videos of us :P I might post one video next friday, we planned to challange horde players at gurubashi arena for about 10vs10 match. If not so, then something else similar.

Anyways, I guess there is all you need to know about this for now.

Please use these archieves below as you ''sitemap'' to find what you need. I really suggest you to start reading from the first text I wrote, the one at top of the archieves in case you are new for this class.

Oh by the way. if you are about to flame me about the blog being similar as Zukuu's guide, don't waste your time because I do know that. I have added alot of my own stuff to it plus extra information and ofc the videos are selfmade.

Warlock Outdoor PvP and BGs including exploits.

Check it out :>

Vs. Feral Druid

Vs. Elemental Shaman

vs. retri paladin

Vs. Affliction and destruction warlocks

Enjoy :>

Versus. MarksMan Hunter

The fight is very fast, watch the video carefully.

Versus. Frost Mage
The video is now HD quality so it cannot be uploaded here in my blog.

There should be all usefull info at the video itself but if there still is something you would like to know, ask here in my blog or comment to my video :) I am more active watching the comments in my blog so it would be the best to ask here.


How to bind?
Most important thing is that you set your keybinds in a way that
it is fast to press and you dont need to lift your hand away from the mouse.
It is very usefull to have a mouse with many buttons(which I do not have). Logitech atleast has mouses like that and OFC the world of warcraft mouse with like twenty buttons, lol.
Remember to unbind your turn buttons A and D and replace them with strafe to get Q and E free for spells. Only noobs turns with keyboard in PvP. If you are one of those, atleast now this will make you learn turning with mouse.

Anyways, here is my keybinds below.

1,2,3,4,5 (also still having 9 and 0 but I dont bind any spells usefull in PvP on those)
Shift-1, Shift-2, Shift-3, Shift-4, Shift-5.
F1, F2, F3, F4 These might be hard to use for some people but my hand is enough large to reach those easily :P
§, Q, Shift-Q, E, Shift-E, R, Shift-R, T, Shift-T and Y as mount button (Too far to use for spells).
F, Shift-F, G, Shift-G, Z, C, Shift-C, V, Shift-V.

Additional Binds you can use:
S, Shift-S (I don't coz i backpeddle at raids when im bored)
<, >, Shift-Z, X, shift-X.

I know it sucks to read text like that but I am pretty sure it will help you guys.


List of the macros I use below :)
I did not make them all myself. Most of them I copied from Zukuu at

/cast Fire Shield
/cast [mod:shift] Consume Shadows; Sacrifice
/cast [mod:shift, target=focus] [mod:ctrl, target=mouseover] [ ] Seduction
/cast [mod:alt, target=Player] [mod:ctrl] Devour Magic; [mod:shift, target=focus] [ ] Spell Lock

How this works: This macro is ment to work with only one bind with the shift, alt and control mods. So for example, you are using voidwalker, you press the bind, it will cast sacrifice on you. If you hold shift while pressing the bind, you will get the stealth detection.
A bit more complicated is that felhunter macro, let me explain.

When holding alt, it will DISPEL yourself. Thats very usefull versus, for example a mage. When he sheeps you, you can dispel the sheep away. Tho some mages will debuff you with icelance and nova before doing that to protect the sheep but still.

When you hold control, it will dispel friendly OR hostile target depending you current target.
While holding shift, you will silence (Spell Lock) your current FOCUS target.
If you press the bind without mod: alt, shift, control, you will just normally silence the target.

/targetenemy [noexists]
/cast [target=target,harm] Curse of the Elements

This is very usefull macro. It will find stealthed unit as soon as he/she comes visible. This works probaply the best if you are using voidwalker's stealth detection but still worth to use and try your luck. The macro is spamable. If you target normally someone it will just cast the curse of elements. So in other words, you dont need to bind them both, the macro and this spell.

/petattack [target=mousover]

Very usefull especially against totems.
As the macro says, your pet will attack at the target you hold your mouse at.
You dont need to click the target, just hold your mouse at it and press the bind :)
This is the only macro which works against totems anymore.

Life/ManaDrain at one bind.

#showtooltip Life Drain
/cast [nomod] Life Drain
/cast [mod:alt] Mana Drain

Pressing the Bind will make you drain life, holding ALT while pressing it will drain mana from the target. Simple as that.

Better/Faster ShadowFury

#showtooltip shadowfury
/cast !shadowfury

I am not sure how to explain this but try to compare it with normal shadowfury and you get the point for sure and I bet you will use the macro instead :)

Common knowledge about making 2 differents spells in same macro
(Usefull if you are lacking space for your spells at your action bars)

Writing [Mod: alt/ctrl/shift] will decide which modifier will be used to cast the secondary spell at your macro.

For example this:

/cast [nomod] incinerate
/cast [mod:alt] immolate

As u can see, normally you will cast incinerate and while holding alt, you will cast immolate.
Remember to write that [nomod] text if there is no modifier for the spell, else your macro will not work.

I use these commands mostly to pop up trinket with something on use. Not PvP trinket tho, it should be binded to something you can press faster.

I am also using these for my nitro boost enchants and frag belt.

I guess there is all the most important macros you should have but if you want to research for more of them, visit here:

Orgrimmar raid ;>
could not upload it here, not sure why :/

Versus. Warrior
I try to put some music for the next video I post :P tho I mostly listen Rap-music but I try to find something else what I like.

I think that warrior is easiest class to fight against among with retribution paladins. Its all about seductions.

Portal up, take range, succu around the portal, same shit as with rogues only the warrior will open without stealth. When he charges, you seduce him. Most warriors trinket at that case so reseduce. The fight is almost the same as against rogues but instead the warrior can spellreflect and bladestorm and you can freely deathcoil him which makes your rotation after seduce like this: Immolate, Shadowfury, chaosbolt, deathcoil, incinerate, conflagrate and shadowburn. This should eat almost all the health from the warrior.

When spellreflect is up, consume it with Curse Of the Elements and keep going. You can have the warrior on your skin and nuke it freely. You can't waste your teleport. Use it only when he starts to bladestorm, else you end up dead.

Again, if there is any questions, please help yourself and comment on this text :)

Versus. Rogue

Poor quality again. I hope you can still learn something from this.

Here is what to do in theory.

Use succubus. It works the best.

Before duel start you put portal up and walk 30-40yards away putting you pet on STAY somewhere 15yards-30yards(MAX) away from you. Why? To avoid the rogue finding your succubus and keeping it away from BLIND range. When the rogue blinds her you gotta survive ten seconds without her which might end up to your death.

When the rogue opens, instant seduce him and cast curse of elements. If he is a bad rogue he will trinket at the first seduction. Then just reseduce. If he uses cloak of shadows after trinket, seduce after that. Tho. sometimes they even vanish after cloak and reopens. Still its not your loss since you can wait and after all that, seduce him. When you get the second Seduce on the rogue, Cast immolate, shadowfury, chaosbolt, conflagrate, shadowburn. If he still has his trinket I bet he uses it somewhere between those spells. I don't suggest you to use deathcoil at the first burst as I did but if you do it only means more kiteing and survivality. When you have done your burst, atlast at that point he WILL use his defensive CDs (Vanish, Cloak) TELEPORT immediately no matter did he vanish or not and take alot of range. At that point I advice you watch DRtracker till it goes to zero so you can cast 10seconds seduction on the rogue. In that case you can count the fight already won. Just use the rotation again I mentioned before.

Why to save your deathcoil? Because it will be the spell which saves your life if you lose alot of HP or need to get away from the rogue.

Trinket? I usually use it at kidneyshot, almost always. Save it for second opening of the rogue if you only can.

Please comment on this text if there is anything you would like to add that I missed or you want to know.

Versus. Holy paladin.
Yeah, the quality and the one (me) who made the video is bad. This is my first video I actually cut and upload to internet but I promise I will do better later :p Even the sounds are missing, well actually I couldn't bother to cut it that much yet but you will have some later on.

Btw dont worry about the size the youtube links for larger videos will always be below the video as it its now.

I do explain what to do in the videos but please still try to watch my keybindings to see what I am casting on the target.

Characters in the video: Zafer - Outland, Sötnowz - Outland.

Basics about pvping as a warlock

There is several things you need to know about playing your class properly in PvP, these
tips, or more like ''rules'' I am going to give works against every class and you should obey them to stay alive longer.

Warlock is fragile class especially against melee classes but can put out very high amounts of damage.

In my opinion destruction locks are one of the classes with highest bursts. Immolate>Chaosbolt>Conflagrate rotation already does sick amount of damage. And when you add spells like shadowfury, deathcoil, incinerate and shadowburn in the rotation it might be already enough to finish the target, tho if he trinkets on dcoil and goes defensive the situation wont be the same. Thats why you need to force him use the trinket before that but thats not the case now, I will explain that later on.

Anyways, as i said the class is very fragile. That is why you need to improve your skills staying alive. First and the most important thing is to keep max range from classes that needs to be on your skin to make damage. How? Well, you got your fear/seduction depending of your pet, you have deathcoil, shadowfury which is very effective when you try to fear your target in case you got no succubus at the moment. You also have the slow effect from conflagrate which isnt that long but still helps alot when kiteing the opponent.

The lovely Demonic circle. This spell made warlocks very very strong against melee classes when wotlk came. There is plenty uses for this spell which I will show you on my videos later against different classes. Few good examples is Warriors bladestorm, it does retarded damage and if you dont have demonic circle on ground and away from cooldown you will probably die or atleast lose almost all your hp. Another issue would be Deathknights' deathgrip. If the portal happens to be away from the spot you get griped at you can instantly teleport away and avoid the damage. The demonic teleport isnt usefull only against melee classes. You can also use it to jump out of your opponents casting range or fear your target, teleport and eat/bandadge somewhere.

There is plenty funny topics in internet such as ''100 uses for demonic circle'' and stuff you should check out and learn.

As a warlock you should never stand still and cast. Only when your target is in full control you can stand and do your rotation. Else I suggest you to move each time you instant cast spells. It helps you get away from melee range and also gives you a chance to jump behind caster classes to dodge their spells.

LineOfSight. This means obstacles like walls, pillars, anything which prevents your opponent/you casting spells. Use LoS Atleast at arena. I know its lame but that's what everyone does there to survive. Practise it as much as you can and you will see proggress on your ratings.
People also use LOS at Duels and sometimes at BGs.
LoSing at duels tho isn't my thing. Imo it makes your fight boring and only pisses the opponent off, gives him excuses for his possible lose and stuff. I am trying to avoid doing it because of that.

And finally, the dps rotations.

I almost always do it like this: Immolate, ChaosBolt, shadowfury, conflagrate, incinerate and all possible instant spells I can do. Another way is to cast shadowfury before chaosbolt.

When the opponent is a class which can dispel i usually fear or seduction him before immolate to protect it. In case you seduce him, the immolate will ofc break the CC so you need to be ready to chain shadowfury to protect the immolate.

If you are dying, stop saving your shadowfury for the rotation. You can always use it to save your life, stop the opponent. For example Shadowfury+Fear or just shadowfury and run away.

I wont tell you more about the rotations, you are going to see how I do it on my next posts where I am going record you videos about how to win different classes in duels.

Well i guess this is all I can tell you for now, be seeing you : P


First I suggest you get Curse Client for very easy and fast addon installing.
You can download it from this link: .

Here is the list of the addOns I use for PvP.

Interrupt bar. Easy and small box showing CDs of all important interrupt effect such as
kick, counterspell, mindfreeze. Important to have when you are trying to trick the opponent
to use it.

Locknotes. Alerts about everything you need, no matter is it friendly or hostile effect.
examples: Hand of freedom, hand of protection, procs like backlash, molten core.
Bladestorm, cloak of shadows, iceblock, divine shield.

DRtracker: Handy tool for tracking your dimishing returns. Try it out and you will learn how it works.

GLADIUS: Very important to arena, there is almost everything you need. A must to get.

Im not online at the moment so im not sure if there is something to add but I will edit this if something comes up :)

Oh btw, I will put picture of my UI here later for you to see.

Socketing your gear.

As i told you before, spellpower is something to stack on your sockets.
When you still lack spellpene/hit, socket them till you gain the amount you need from offsets.
Its important to keep them capped. There is nothing worse than miss/resist important spells for bursting or a fear/seduction/deathcoil/banish. With 50 spellpene my record was 7 resists in row against a mage :P not cool.

I guess this is all you need to know about it.

Primary profession(s) to use.

I suggest you to take 2 of these professions listed below.

I see gathering professions useless in pvp. 2k healing from herbalism, about 30crit from skinning, 60stamina from mining, these stats doesnt help you almost at all. You could just take 2 crafting professions for better boost to your damage/burst. Ofc if you lack money and cannot afford to buy mats to skill your proffs up, get gathering proffs, farm mats and reroll.

I will give you links to different profession guides for the materials lists to make it easier for you. I will also write new text about getting easy money for pvpers later on.

These professions I use / have used for pvp and still think they are the best choices for you. Also going to explain why exactly these are what you should choose.

Enchanting. You need enchanting skill of 400 for everything you need for pvp.
Great ring enchants for both rings with spellpower (prefered) or stamina.

Engineering. 410 skill needed for all the items.
Hand rocket! Very very nice bonus to your damage. Even that 2-3k damage isnt big but you will see that it will help alot when you nuke down healers. Very often this is the reason for that if i manage to globalnuke healer down.
Nitro boost. Cool add for battlegrounds and duels. Also gives you some useless crit. I suggest you to get 2x pvp boots, one with nitro boost and one with the minorspeed+stamina enchant.

Parachute. 27spellpower enchant with slowfall use. Good bonus to your spellpower and also
helps at many situations, BGs and outdoor stuff especially.

Frag belt. Doesnt work in arena. But the ''sap'' effect may save ur life sometimes when you play outside of arena. Also gives you some extra damage

Jewelcrafting you need 400 skill to get these gems I talk about.
39 spellpower gems (unique equip 3) these sockets are sick. almost double amount of spellpower compared to basic epic runed gems.

I myself use JC and engineering on my warlock. My priest has engi/enchanting.

Engineering guide
JC guide
Enchanting guide
Mining guide

Not sure about other proffs listed but engineering 1-405 costs about 2-2.5k on my server, the mats.


I will let you know what stats is usefull at pvp, which you should stack and how to start gearing and what stats to aim if you just dinged or don't have any pvp gear.

Important things to get first is hit cap and 60-130 spellpenetration. First around 60 and at end you should have 130 to hit mages, paladins and druids who have alot of resistance. As you sure know 1 spellpene=1 point of spell resistance. So for example if you face a mage, who should have like 130 or 140 resistance for all schools, you need same amount of penetration to have 100% chance to not resist. Remember that you already get 35 penetration from the back enchant.
You also get alot of spell penetration from 1.8k rating offhand (79 wrathfull). Thats the way to get recommened amount of penetration. Tho if you are engineer you might want to enchant cloak with that spellpower instead of penetration, you should also take your wrathfull wand with penetration instead of haste.

You should have 300-400 haste. Before you have 400 i suggest you to use Spellstone instead of firestone for extra haste rating. You dont want to cast 2.5second chaos bolts on your target.

PLEASE do not do the same fail as i did when i started to do PvP. NEVER buy offsets with crit/spirit shit. You need to buy them with haste stat to reach recommened haste rating (300-400). You should not gem haste. Best way to improve your burst is to gem as many ''runed'' gems as possible for max spellpower.

Health. Around 20-21k of it should be enough to manage get atleast 1.8k rating. Its not that hard, already 2 different talents gives you alot of bonus health.

Resilience? 700+ for start to not get instantly killed in arena and 1on1 i suppose. People tend to have bad habbit to ''Train'' warlocks when they see one so you NEED to survive from their damage.

Spellpower. Gem spellpower, enchant spellpower. Its the most important stat when you want to improve your damage. You could socket some hit rating/spellpene but as soon as you get hitcap and 130-140 pene, roll all your sockets to spellpower.

Fastest way to get decent pvp gear.
Get a 5v5 team. Why? Cause no matter if the rating is 0 or 1500 you will get the same amount of points as from 1500. You will get 344 points every week for just playing 10 games of 5v5. Very easy right? So in other words you should have furious shoulders at first week and chest/leggs/head/hands already at second week. Saves you from farming sick amounts of honor for full set.

Wintergrasp: Watch the item levels of WG rewards. If the ilevel is around the same as furious or more, you really should get it. I suggest you to go for WG trinket unless you play Human race who already have it as racial. If you do, you should get the WG trinket with resi and the ''use''. You can farm your second trinket from pve. With triumphs you get the trinket with 125+ hit and 500haste on use or from toc 5 normal the trinket with 80+ haste as stat. Remember the meta gems you can buy from WG and most important PvP item enchants for your shoulders and head.

VOA10/25. Its all about luck but you still have a chance to get EVEN season 8 gear from there. You should do both 10 and 25 every week and try your luck and atleast get the emblems.
I personally have never looted any warlock pvp items from voa. Bad luck I guess but it sucks.

Only gonna mention enchanting/engineering professions here. If you are using some other proffs, figure yourself out the bonuses you can get from them.

Head: Wintergrasp enchant

Shoulders: Wintergrasp enchant

Back: Spellpene / 27 spellpower+slowfall if you are engineer

Chest: 20resi or 10 of all stats

Bracers: Spellpower

Hands: Spellpower / hand rocket if you are engineer.

Belt: Extra socket ''eternal belt buckle'' buy it from AH. Also if engi, get the frag belt enchant, it stacks with belt buckle. Tho its not useable in arenas. Still fun when you duel/BG ^^

Leggings: Spellpower+resilience or stamina+resilience depending do you lack health.

Boots: 12stamina+minor (8%) run speed enchant

Rings: ONLY if you are enchanter you can enchant you rings, if you are, ench them with spellpower.

Your talent spec.

This is my talent spec.
There are few different viable specs when you play destro depending alot what you are actually doing. You should take almost the same talents as i do on my spec but there is few options you can change as you like.

You can choose to take improved healthstone instead of improved health funnel if you think it fits better for your setup at arena. For example if you play double dps and your partner cannot heal you might switch to Imp Hstone. But when you do that you need to keep in mind that you actually cannot keep your pet alive from heavy nuke team so you might need to summon it several times in single match.

Also if you are not planning to socket/gear/enchant hit rating, you can switch improved succubus 3/3 to Suppression 3/3 for 3% extra hit and as you know you only need around 4-6% hit as caster against other players except against rogues who get extra 4% spell/ranged avoidance from heightened sences 2/2. Im not sure if some other classes has similar talents. But anyways, if you do get suppression 3/3 you only need around 50-60 hit to reach about 5%.

Every talent else in the tree is extremely important for best proggressing. Why not soul leach? Because 30% chance to heal 20% of the damage done doesnt mean a shit against most classes, mostly against dps specs.

I have seen some noobs speccing cataclysm 3/3 for 10% less mana cost but imo thats useless crap. You are a warlock, you can always lifetap when you run out of mana so there is no point to take that talent.

Improved searing pain? No way. I never use that crap spell when i play. First. it ruins the burst rotation and second it hits around 1-2k non crit damage and it wastes a stack from backdraft.

Improved imp and voidwalker, I see those talents extremely useless in pvp, especially imp. Only point to use imp is when you face serious multidps teams who kills your pet in first priority. Imp has phase shift which means that it cannot die when out of combat and your soul link WILL work still. I almost never use voidwalker. If I do, I summon it and pop the bubble when Im at low hp with no healthstone/battlemaster trinket up. Ofc if you face 2x stealthed team you might put stealthdetection of the void up to have a chance of finding them.

This spec will fit the most setups in arena. Its perfect for dueling and battlegrounds. That is why you should choose it.