
First of all I want to make one thing clear for you guys. If you play affliciton spec and hate to play as destruction or are not planning to play PvP as destro, help yourself and stop wasting your time for this blog. I am only writing about 0/20/51 talent spec.

I am going to teach you all I know about PvPing as a warlock. You will learn how to spec proper and gear yourself up for best possible proggress in arena/battlegrounds/world PvP/whatever you are planning to do. I will let you know how to beat the hardest classes in 1on1 in theory and try to upload as many videos as possible for you to watch and learn.

We usually go do ''Ganking'', outdoor pvp at weekends with my fellow guild members so you might see us in action when I record videos of us :P I might post one video next friday, we planned to challange horde players at gurubashi arena for about 10vs10 match. If not so, then something else similar.

Anyways, I guess there is all you need to know about this for now.

Please use these archieves below as you ''sitemap'' to find what you need. I really suggest you to start reading from the first text I wrote, the one at top of the archieves in case you are new for this class.

Oh by the way. if you are about to flame me about the blog being similar as Zukuu's guide, don't waste your time because I do know that. I have added alot of my own stuff to it plus extra information and ofc the videos are selfmade.

Basics about pvping as a warlock

There is several things you need to know about playing your class properly in PvP, these
tips, or more like ''rules'' I am going to give works against every class and you should obey them to stay alive longer.

Warlock is fragile class especially against melee classes but can put out very high amounts of damage.

In my opinion destruction locks are one of the classes with highest bursts. Immolate>Chaosbolt>Conflagrate rotation already does sick amount of damage. And when you add spells like shadowfury, deathcoil, incinerate and shadowburn in the rotation it might be already enough to finish the target, tho if he trinkets on dcoil and goes defensive the situation wont be the same. Thats why you need to force him use the trinket before that but thats not the case now, I will explain that later on.

Anyways, as i said the class is very fragile. That is why you need to improve your skills staying alive. First and the most important thing is to keep max range from classes that needs to be on your skin to make damage. How? Well, you got your fear/seduction depending of your pet, you have deathcoil, shadowfury which is very effective when you try to fear your target in case you got no succubus at the moment. You also have the slow effect from conflagrate which isnt that long but still helps alot when kiteing the opponent.

The lovely Demonic circle. This spell made warlocks very very strong against melee classes when wotlk came. There is plenty uses for this spell which I will show you on my videos later against different classes. Few good examples is Warriors bladestorm, it does retarded damage and if you dont have demonic circle on ground and away from cooldown you will probably die or atleast lose almost all your hp. Another issue would be Deathknights' deathgrip. If the portal happens to be away from the spot you get griped at you can instantly teleport away and avoid the damage. The demonic teleport isnt usefull only against melee classes. You can also use it to jump out of your opponents casting range or fear your target, teleport and eat/bandadge somewhere.

There is plenty funny topics in internet such as ''100 uses for demonic circle'' and stuff you should check out and learn.

As a warlock you should never stand still and cast. Only when your target is in full control you can stand and do your rotation. Else I suggest you to move each time you instant cast spells. It helps you get away from melee range and also gives you a chance to jump behind caster classes to dodge their spells.

LineOfSight. This means obstacles like walls, pillars, anything which prevents your opponent/you casting spells. Use LoS Atleast at arena. I know its lame but that's what everyone does there to survive. Practise it as much as you can and you will see proggress on your ratings.
People also use LOS at Duels and sometimes at BGs.
LoSing at duels tho isn't my thing. Imo it makes your fight boring and only pisses the opponent off, gives him excuses for his possible lose and stuff. I am trying to avoid doing it because of that.

And finally, the dps rotations.

I almost always do it like this: Immolate, ChaosBolt, shadowfury, conflagrate, incinerate and all possible instant spells I can do. Another way is to cast shadowfury before chaosbolt.

When the opponent is a class which can dispel i usually fear or seduction him before immolate to protect it. In case you seduce him, the immolate will ofc break the CC so you need to be ready to chain shadowfury to protect the immolate.

If you are dying, stop saving your shadowfury for the rotation. You can always use it to save your life, stop the opponent. For example Shadowfury+Fear or just shadowfury and run away.

I wont tell you more about the rotations, you are going to see how I do it on my next posts where I am going record you videos about how to win different classes in duels.

Well i guess this is all I can tell you for now, be seeing you : P

1 kommentti:

  1. Yritin lukee kokonaan mut en pystyny 8< srry.. must tulee mestari ennenku ees teen mitään juttuja :O vaik oon vast 11 lvl kai :OOOOO
