This is my talent spec.
There are few different viable specs when you play destro depending alot what you are actually doing. You should take almost the same talents as i do on my spec but there is few options you can change as you like.
You can choose to take improved healthstone instead of improved health funnel if you think it fits better for your setup at arena. For example if you play double dps and your partner cannot heal you might switch to Imp Hstone. But when you do that you need to keep in mind that you actually cannot keep your pet alive from heavy nuke team so you might need to summon it several times in single match.
Also if you are not planning to socket/gear/enchant hit rating, you can switch improved succubus 3/3 to Suppression 3/3 for 3% extra hit and as you know you only need around 4-6% hit as caster against other players except against rogues who get extra 4% spell/ranged avoidance from heightened sences 2/2. Im not sure if some other classes has similar talents. But anyways, if you do get suppression 3/3 you only need around 50-60 hit to reach about 5%.
Every talent else in the tree is extremely important for best proggressing. Why not soul leach? Because 30% chance to heal 20% of the damage done doesnt mean a shit against most classes, mostly against dps specs.
I have seen some noobs speccing cataclysm 3/3 for 10% less mana cost but imo thats useless crap. You are a warlock, you can always lifetap when you run out of mana so there is no point to take that talent.
Improved searing pain? No way. I never use that crap spell when i play. First. it ruins the burst rotation and second it hits around 1-2k non crit damage and it wastes a stack from backdraft.
Improved imp and voidwalker, I see those talents extremely useless in pvp, especially imp. Only point to use imp is when you face serious multidps teams who kills your pet in first priority. Imp has phase shift which means that it cannot die when out of combat and your soul link WILL work still. I almost never use voidwalker. If I do, I summon it and pop the bubble when Im at low hp with no healthstone/battlemaster trinket up. Ofc if you face 2x stealthed team you might put stealthdetection of the void up to have a chance of finding them.
This spec will fit the most setups in arena. Its perfect for dueling and battlegrounds. That is why you should choose it.
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